Sonic Trash is an interactive Sound installation in the public space, initialised in September 2020.

When an object is thrown into the bronze trash can, a sound file is played that imitates the echo of the thrown object. This sound can be compared with the falling of the object into a shaft space. The reverberation suggests a space of great depth, the sound can be dull, bright, or other variations, different every time.

Sonic Trash functions as an unexpected acoustic intervention in an everyday action and wants to encourage passers-by to pause, and thereby asks the question of what happens to the thrown-away object. Every day we produce huge amounts of garbage, but what happens to it afterwards is usually no longer of interest to us. Sonic Trash transforms Maria-Theresien-Straße into a poetic space of reflection with undreamt-of depths.

ausschnittmit icon sonictrash Bild 1

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technical implementation: Arthur Bliem

Sounddesign: Marko Sulz und Carmen Fetz

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